Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)
What is an ADU?
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) are small, secondary living units that are on the same lot as the main house, allowed in some residential areas. They are sometimes an apartment within a home, often called an in-law apartment. They can also be a separate building, apart from the main house on the same lot built as a standalone structure or above a detached garage, often called a carriage house.
What are the benefits to those considering an ADU?
ADUs help meet the demand for housing that exists in our communities. Homeowners considering adding an ADU can benefit from the supplemental income that an ADU provides. The demand for this housing is strong and creates stability for owners of ADU. Young people who work in local businesses, older adults who want to downsize, lower- and middle-income households can benefit from this housing type. Multigenerational families can have privacy and yet be near each other.
Because ADUs are smaller and constructed on land that has no additional acquisition costs, ADUs are a housing solution that is attainable for many in the local workforce at many income levels and in neighborhoods that are near employment, shopping, and important services. ADUs are an effective way to help address the severe housing challenges in our communities.
What is the Housing North ADU Toolbox?
The Housing North ADU Toolbox offers homeowners a step-by-step guide to investigating and pursuing the development of ADUs on their property, including information on the economic benefits of such projects, property eligibility and zoning maps, and more. Support for this program was funded by the Charlevoix County Community Foundation.
Housing North’s new ADU Toolbox includes:
Comprehensive information explaining ADUs and their various types.
Economic advantages to homeowners and residents of ADUs.
Detailed land-use maps for the cities of Charlevoix, East Jordan and Boyne City identifying
Where ADUs are permitted under local zoning.
Housing North will provide free access to specific ADU designs (offering potential savings to homeowners up to $5,000) that meet state building codes for Charlevoix County and local zoning codes. These free plans are only available for projects specific to year-round housing by agreeing to a Deed Restriction. For more information, see Deed Restriction Program information here.
Information on financing, building, and renting an ADU, and contact information for local zoning and building officials to assist in the process.
The ADU Toolbox is the latest initiative by Housing North to help communities across Northwest Michigan tackle the various economic challenges stemming from housing shortages that serve a wide range of income levels. You can download the toolbox here. If you’re interested in bringing this program to your community, please contact our Charlevoix County Housing Ready Program Coordinator in Charlevoix County, Zach Sompels at zacharysompels@gmail.com or our Executive Director Yarrow Brown for more information at yarrow@housingnorth.org. Currently, Housing North is working to expand its ADU program to Leelanau and Grand Traverse Counties.
We know that Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) can pose high costs and financing complexities. We are working on a way to help homeowners build and finance these so stay connected with us for exciting updates, coming your way in Summer 2024!
Where can I learn more about them?
Housing North is committed to working with partners to develop new tools and funding options for housing. ADUs are one of those tools we continue to advocate for that can pose as a helpful housing solution for you and your community. To date, we’ve hosted two very informational webinars that can give you all the details you may need about ADUs and how they’ve worked in other communities.
Click here to watch the first webinar focused on the history of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and how homeowners can create ADUs to help with housing needs. This session highlights a few programs that promote ADUs, includes some sample zoning language to facilitate the development of ADUs, and presents some examples of ADUs that may surprise you. To get a more in-depth dive, you can click here and watch part II of our webinar series.
Access the Michigan Municipal League’s website here for more information on ADUs
Take a look at the Missing Middle Mixtape: More Pattern Book Homes for 21st Century Michigan
Learn more about the ABC’s of ADU’s from AARP here.