Legislator Contact

Support Needed for Regional Housing Fund


Support Needed for Regional Housing Fund 〰️

Contact Your Legislator


Housing North works to identify and influence policy that impacts development opportunities in rural Michigan, but, to continue to communicate the importance of housing, your legislators need to hear from you and your support of our initiatives, your concerns and why this is important for all of us.

Legislators appreciate hearing from their constituents. Don't forget: they are elected to represent your views! Legislators act on behalf of their constituency. Even if your legislator does not currently support your position, contacting them and voicing your concerns is a good way to put your issue on their radar screen. Make sure your legislator knows what you think about Housing North's policy priorities.

Who are my legislators?

See here a list of our legislators in the region and the different ways to contact them:

  • Name: Joseph Fox
    Mailing address: S-1385 House Office Building, Lansing, MI 48909 - P.O. Box 30014
    Phone: (517) 373-0825
    Email: JosephFox@house.mi.gov

  • Name: Curt VanderWall
    Mailing address: S-1386 House Office Building, Lansing, MI 48909 - P.O. Box 30014
    Phone: (517) 373-1747
    Email: CurtisVanderWall@house.mi.gov

  • Name: Betsy Coffia
    Mailing address: S-1387 House Office Building, Lansing, MI 48909 - P.O. Box 30014
    Phone: (517) 373-3817
    Email: BetsyCoffia@house.mi.gov

  • Name: Jon Roth
    Mailing address: S-1388 House Office Building, Lansing, MI 48909 - P.O. Box 30014
    Phone: (517) 373-1766
    Email: JohnRoth@house.mi.gov

  • Name: Ken Borton
    Mailing address: S-1389 House Office Building, Lansing, MI 48909 - P.O. Box 30014
    Phone: (517) 373-0829
    Email: KenBorton@house.mi.gov

  • Name: Neil Friske
    Mailing Address: S-1486 House Office Building, P.O. Box 30014, Lansing, MI 48909-7514
    Phone: (517) 373-2629
    Email: NeilFriske@house.mi.gov

Senate Members

  • Name: John Damoose
    Mailing address: P.O. Box 30036, Lansing, MI 48909 - P.O. Box 30014
    Phone: (517) 373-2413
    Email: senjdamoose@senate.michigan.gov

    Website: https://www.senatorjohndamoose.com/

  • Name: Michele Hoitenga
    Mailing address: P.O. Box 30036, Lansing, MI 48909 - P.O. Box 30014
    Phone: 517-373-7946
    Email: senmhoitenga@senate.michigan.gov

    Website: https://www.senatormichelehoitenga.com

  • Senator: Jon Bumstead

    Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909-7536 Office Phone: 517-373-1635

    E-mail: senjbumstead@senate.michigan.gov

    Website: https://www.senatorjonbumstead.com


If you need recommendations on what to say or what to do when contacting your legislators, write us your questions at info@housingnorth.org and we will be happy to help. Sample letters and emails coming soon!