Affordable Housing Advocacy
Resources & Toolkits
Communications Toolkit
The Housing North Communications Toolkit is intended to help advocates and leaders build consistent messages around housing in public dialogues, and include memorable data points, clear messages about solutions, and context for how housing impacts our shared values. The guide includes messaging guidance developed on behalf of Housing North by Avenue ISR in 2019 and based on research from the Frameworks Institute, along with data and information about housing needs and solutions from a broad range of sources.
Download the toolkit here.
Public Comment Handout
Public comment is particularly crucial in finding housing solutions as it directly impacts people's lives and well-being. By inviting feedback from residents, stakeholders, and advocacy groups, local government can gain valuable insights into the unique challenges faced by the community. Public comment helps identify housing needs, preferences, and potential barriers to access, ensuring that housing initiatives are tailored to suit the diverse requirements of the population. Click here to access a handout on Public Comment and valuable insights on how to support housing solutions for your community.
Citizen Advocacy Training
You me be wondering how you can be part of the action taking place in your community regarding housing or how you can really advocate for housing. Housing is a complex challenge. Land Use decisions are made primarily at local levels: City, Village, Township, or County. While it’s easy to agree that more housing is needed, there’s often disagreement on what type of housing, resources to be used, and quite importantly, how one can support and be part of the solution given that local officials like most to hear from the people living in their communities. Click here to learn where decisions are made and by whom and exactly how you can help Housing North and your community advocate. If you’d like the presentation from the training, click here or the handout describing the importance of messaging, for advocacy, click here.
Webinar Resources
Through its mission of building awareness, influence policy, and expanding capacity so communities can create housing solutions, Housing North offers a variety of webinars, events, and activities with other partners and stakeholders in the region to showcase efforts, advances, and good practices to bring homes to our communities. To access the recordings of our latest events and webinars, please click here or visit our Youtube Channel @HousingNorth. Below, see a list of our latest events and webinars. For questions or inquiries about the recordings or events, please email info@housingnorth.org.
Only Homes Will End Homelessness
Ashley Halladay-Schmandt from the Northwest Michigan Coalition to End Homelessness shared with us the insights and work of their organization to end homelessness, we also discussed how can we work together to get these homes and work with housing partners. See below the recording and presentation of this webinar.
Creating a Housing Conservancy Toolbox: A Housing Round-Table
On July 9th, 2020 we hosted the Housing North Housing Conservancy Toolbox webinar in collaboration with Jane MacKenzie from Northern Homes CDC. In this session, we discussed Housing North's new deed restriction pilot program, learned more about Community Land Trusts and how Conservancy Tools can help the region meet its housing goals. See the presentation of the webinar below.
Local Housing Funds in Michigan
On May 13, 2020 we hosted a webinar with Stephanie Mcgreevy from the Mackinac Island Community Foundation and Ryan Kilpatrick from Housing Next to discuss how to leverage funds for housing development and learn more about initiatives that had worked in their communities to start housing projects. To access the recording of the webinar, please click here.
Housing North Policy Updates and Initiatives
On June 8, 2020 we hosted the Housing North Policy Updates webinar in collaboration with Kent Woods from Borealis Strategic LLC to discuss how Pre- and post-pandemic, Housing North has been working with legislators and partners statewide to create new housing tools and solutions.
Other Presentations
Housing North, Networks Northwest, and local housing networks regularly present information and data on housing needs and solutions to a wide range of audiences. Those presentations will be made available below and on the local housing network pages.
Housing Matters - Community Update in Manistee, Sarah Lucas, Housing North
Housing Matters - Community Update Benzie County, Sarah Lucas, Housing North
Housing Matters - Community Update Wexford County, Sarah Lucas, Housing North
Housing Matters - Community Update Leelanau County, Sarah Lucas, Housing North
Housing Matters - Community Update Missaukee County, Sarah Lucas, Housing North
Other Resources
Housing Toolbox for Massachusetts Communities
The Citizens' Housing and Planning Association and the Massachusetts Housing Partnership developed guidance as part of a statewide initiative to support local officials and volunteers in their efforts to provide more affordable housing opportunities in their communities. It includes strategies and best practices for the creation and preservation of affordable housing—including tools and resources for building local support and improving communications.
Visit their website here for more information.