New Rentals in Honor for the First Time in 6+ years!
On July 12th 2021, HomeStretch Housing broke ground on the Honor Village Apartments. In August of 2022, the project entered its final stages. Now, it is almost complete. These eight new apartments are a small but mighty benefit to the community. The apartments, located in the downtown corridor of Honor, are very close to being finished.
According to Leah Pillsbury, Administrative Assistant and Property Manager at HomeStretch, some of the units will be done very soon, with the others following at the end of the month. Which means the move-in process will be set to begin this January and February. Move in was originally planned for December 2022. Difficulties with permits, and shortages of builders as well as materials put the project behind schedule. “It’s been an absolute battle since day one”, says Jon Stimson, Executive Director of HomeStretch. If you are interested in applying for one of the apartments, you still can, but you will be placed on the waiting list.
These apartments are the first new multifamily housing in downtown Honor. Bill Ward, president of the Village of Honor says this HomeStretch project is the first rental housing project in Honor in many years, if not the first ever. Jon Stimson estimates that there hasn’t been any new housing construction in Honor for over six years. Honor is an engaged MEDC Redevelopment Ready Communities program site, and this is the first project MEDC has been involved with in Honor. The community need is obviously there as HomeStretch received more than 35 occupancy applications for the apartments. The 8 unit apartments have the potential to house up to 32 people. Which means around 32 people will have affordable housing within walking distance to downtown Honor and all its businesses. The apartments are available to tenants who earn 50% to 80% of the area median income, and there are two project based vouchers available as well.
“One of the most successful aspects of this project has been the partnership with the Traverse City Housing Commission, who is providing the project vouchers. Another partnership of note is with SEEDs, whose EcoCorps program assisted with building the apartments and will do all the landscaping. The land itself came to Homestretch through a donation from The Benzie Land Bank Authority. They are reportedly happy to see this vacant land, previously a blight in the community, transformed into a functional community asset.“
Jon Stimson, HomeStretch Executive Director
HomeStretch Housing is a nonprofit housing developer that has been building affordable homes since 1996. To learn more about HomeStretch and apartment rental eligibility, please visit:
We at Housing North hope this is a start of more successful housing development in Benzie County!
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